VM 235 UE 2013

VM 232: Microbiology II – July 2013 UE



Question 3: (20 Marks)

Give a short description/definition of the following terms as applied in Immunology.

a) Hemagglutination


Question 4: (15 Marks)


Use the two figures (figure 1 and 2) below to answer questions (a) to (d)

a) Identify each of the figures 1 and 2 above  2 marks

b) Label the parts A-H in the figures above 4 marks

c) Provide one important function of each labeled structure in Figure 1 4 marks

d) Using a sketch diagram alone, classify individuals represented by Figure 1 above using the Baltimore system based on the structure labeled A 5 marks


Question 5: (20 Marks)

Provide a short and clear description for the following questions under retrovirus

a) What is the host cell of retrovirus? 1 mark

b) How is a virus able to recognize and attach to a host cell? 2 marks

c) How does a virus get into a host cell? 2 marks

d) Mention three enzymes that the virus must carry when entering the host cell and why? 4 marks

e) How does reverse transcription and integration of viral genome to the host genome take place? 3 marks

f) What are the five modes of action for Anti-retrovirus chemotherapy 5 marks

g) Why would an individual, once infected with retrovirus have it for life despite chemotherapy?          3 marks


Question 6: (15 Marks)

Select a virus family of your interest and describe it under the following headings

a) General structure (virion size, genome type and size, capsid type, and envelope)         5 marks

b) One disease of veterinary importance (hosts, transmission clinical signs, laboratory diagnosis, control) 6 marks

c) Virus replication (target cell, host receptors, viral ligand, mode of entry into a cell)   4 marks