BLS 201_UE_2011



Question 1:

A 25 ml cell stock suspension was obtained after trypsinization of confluent Vero cells. 100 µl of the stock cell suspension was then added onto 900 µl of RPMI-1640. From the cell-RPMI-1640 mixture, 200 µl were added onto 400 µl of trypan blue and cells were then added onto a cell counting chamber. A total 300 cells (of which 50 stained blue with trypan blue) were seen in the five hemocytometer counting grids.

  1. Calculate the total number of cells left in the stock cell suspension (10 marks)
  2. Calculate the volume (in µl) of the stock cell suspension made after trypsinization required to make 10 ml of cell suspension at 1 × 105 cells/ml (10 marks)


Question 2:

Write short notes on the following:

  1. Cryopreservation of cells (4 marks)
  2. Cell counting (4 marks)
  3. Continuous cell lines (4 marks)
  4. Virus inoculation (4 marks)
  5. Colour development during IPMA (4 marks)


Question 3:

Provide the function(s) of the following equipments and reagents in cell culture;

a) Ice (2 marks)
b) Sucrose (2 marks)
c) Carbon dioxide (CO2) (2 marks)
d) Fluorescence microscope (2 marks)
e) Paraformaldehyde (2 marks)
f) FACS (2 marks)
g) PBS (2 marks)
h) Nystatin (2 marks)
i) Liquid nitrogen canister (2 marks)
j) Glycerine DABCO (2 marks)


Question 4:

Briefly explain how you would perform the following:

  1. Detection of viral infection in cultured cells (10 marks)
  2. Splitting and passaging confluent cells cultured in a cell culture flask onto a new cell culture flask (10 marks)


Question 5:

  1. Write short notes on virus titration by using plaque assay (10 marks)
  2. What is the virus titre of herpes simplex virus estimated by plaque assay in a 24- well plate performed by inoculating 100 µl of the virus at 1 X 107 dilution onto each well with Vero cells, given that the average number of plaque forming units (pfu) per well is 34? (10 marks)