Lesson 4: The size of viruses


February 16, 2024


Viruses exhibit a wide range of sizes, and their dimensions can vary significantly depending on the type of virus. Generally, viruses are much smaller than typical cells and are measured in nanometers (nm). The size of viruses is usually determined by their structure, which includes the size of the viral particle or virion.

  1. Small RNA Viruses:
    • Some RNA viruses are among the smallest viruses known. For example, picornaviruses, which include the common cold virus (rhinovirus) and enteroviruses like poliovirus, typically have diameters in the range of 22 to 30 nanometers.
  2. Enveloped Viruses:
    • Enveloped viruses, which have an outer lipid membrane derived from the host cell, can be larger than non-enveloped viruses. The size of enveloped viruses can range from approximately 40 to 300 nanometers. Examples include the influenza virus and the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV).
  3. Icosahedral Viruses:
    • Many viruses have an icosahedral (20-sided) symmetry. These viruses can have diameters ranging from about 20 to 200 nanometers. Examples of icosahedral viruses include adenoviruses and herpesviruses.
  4. Helical Viruses:
    • Helical viruses have a rod-like or filamentous shape. The length of helical viruses can vary, but their diameters typically fall in the range of 15 to 400 nanometers. Tobacco mosaic virus (TMV) is an example of a helical virus.
  5. Complex Viruses:
    • Some viruses have more complex structures that do not fit neatly into the categories mentioned above. These may include additional features such as tail fibers or complex outer protein coats. Examples include bacteriophages, which infect bacteria. The size of complex viruses varies widely.


The size of viruses compared to other living organisms and microorganisms:

Viruses are generally much smaller than other living organisms and microorganisms. While the size of viruses can vary depending on the specific type of virus, they are typically measured in nanometers (nm).

  1. Viruses:
    • Size Range: Approximately 20 nanometers (nm) to a few hundred nanometers.
    • Examples: The size of viruses varies widely, and different viruses may fall within different size ranges. For instance, the influenza virus is around 80-120 nm, the herpesvirus is about 150-200 nm, and the Tobacco Mosaic Virus (TMV) is approximately 300 nm in length.
  2. Bacteria:
    • Size Range: Bacteria are generally larger than viruses, typically ranging from 0.5 to 5 micrometers (μm) in length.
    • Examples: Escherichia coli (E. coli), a common bacterium, is about 1-2 μm in length. Some bacteria, such as the cyanobacterium Anabaena, can be longer, reaching up to 50 μm.
  3. Archaea:
    • Size Range: Archaea, similar to bacteria, are generally in the range of 0.5 to 5 micrometers (μm).
    • Examples: Archaea, like the extremophile species Sulfolobus acidocaldarius, can exhibit diverse sizes within the microorganism range.
  4. Protozoa (Single-Celled Eukaryotes):
    • Size Range: Protozoa are generally larger than bacteria and can range from about 10 to 100 micrometers (μm) in size.
    • Examples: Paramecium, a commonly studied protozoan, is typically around 100-300 μm in length.
  5. Fungi (Molds and Yeasts):
    • Size Range: Fungi vary widely in size. Molds can have hyphae that extend over several centimeters, while yeasts are typically much smaller, ranging from 3 to 30 micrometers (μm).
    • Examples: The yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae is approximately 5-10 μm in diameter.
  6. Multicellular Eukaryotes (Plants and Animals):
    • Size Range: Multicellular organisms can range from microscopic to large macroscopic sizes.
    • Examples: Microscopic algae and small plants may be a few micrometers in size, while animals, such as nematode worms, can be a few millimeters in length.

It’s important to note that the sizes mentioned are approximate ranges, and individual organisms within each group may vary. The size differences reflect the diverse nature of living organisms and microorganisms, each adapted to its specific ecological niche and lifestyle. Viruses, being acellular entities, are generally smaller due to their reliance on host cells for replication and lack of cellular structures.


Why viruses are smaller compared to bacteria or host cells?

Viruses are generally much smaller compared to bacteria and host cells due to several factors related to their structure, replication strategy, and evolutionary adaptation. Here are some key reasons why viruses tend to be smaller:

  1. Simplicity of Structure:
    • Viruses have a simpler structure compared to cells. They consist of genetic material (either DNA or RNA) surrounded by a protein coat (capsid). This minimalistic structure allows them to be more compact and smaller in size.
  2. Limited Genetic Information:
    • Viruses typically have a limited amount of genetic information compared to cells. While cells carry the entire set of genetic instructions for their metabolism, growth, and reproduction, viruses only carry the genetic information necessary for their replication. This reduced genetic payload contributes to their smaller size.
  3. Efficient Replication within Host Cells:
    • Viruses do not carry the cellular machinery required for metabolic processes and replication. Instead, they rely on the host cell’s machinery to replicate. This allows them to be smaller, as they only need to carry the genetic material and proteins required for entering host cells and taking over their machinery.
  4. Adaptation for Efficient Entry:
    • Viruses have evolved to be small enough to efficiently enter host cells. Their size is often tailored to interact with specific cellular receptors and exploit cellular entry mechanisms. Being smaller facilitates their attachment to host cell surfaces and their penetration into cells.
  5. Rapid Assembly and Release:
    • The small size of viruses facilitates rapid assembly of new virus particles within host cells. Since they rely on the host cell’s machinery for replication, smaller viral particles can be produced more quickly, allowing for efficient release and dissemination.
  6. Evolutionary Pressures:
    • Over evolutionary time, viruses have adapted to exploit specific host organisms and cell types. The size of viruses reflects the optimization of their structure for successful infection and replication within their host organisms.
  7. Transmission and Dissemination:
    • Smaller size can be advantageous for the transmission and dissemination of viruses. Small viral particles can be released more easily from infected cells and can travel through the air, water, or other mediums to reach new host cells or organisms.
  8. Physical Constraints:
    • The physical constraints imposed by the viral life cycle and the need to enter host cells may favor smaller sizes. Smaller particles may have greater flexibility in attaching to and entering host cells.

It’s important to note that there is considerable variability in the size of viruses, and some viruses are larger than others. Additionally, certain viruses, known as giant viruses, have been discovered to be larger than typical viruses, challenging traditional views on viral size. Overall, the size of viruses is a result of their adaptation to their specific host environments and the requirements of their unique life cycles. The study of virus size is essential for understanding their biology, pathogenesis, and interactions with host cells. Advanced imaging techniques, such as electron microscopy, are often used to visualize and measure the size of viruses accurately.